Hi, I'm Jane!
Time with family, get togethers for dinner and runs along the beach with my podcast on is how I unwind!
I moved from the UK with my family 11 years ago where I owned my own driving school on the Northern Beaches, as well as my celebrant business, before embracing the relaxed coastal country life on the mid-north coast. Now, as a full time Marriage Celebrant, I have the joy of marrying incredible couples in stunning locations, creating unforgettable moments that reflect each unique love story!
Maybe it's time for me to write yours?

Two Mins With Jane
What did you do before you became a celebrant?
I have had many different careers but before I became a celebrant I owned my own
driving school, on the Northern Beaches.
How did you meet your hubby?
I was in the British Army posted to London and he was in the Royal Navy also in
London (many moons ago). We lived in the same accomodation in Knightsbridge - Very nice too!
What is your favorite animal?
Definitely dogs, we’ve had so many and have a beautiful ginger beagle x cocker spaniel
called Arya, she’s an old girl now with a beautiful personality. Love it when dogs feature at weddings:)
What do you do in your free time?
I enjoy gardening, but at the moment its landscaping on a large scale:) I love spending time with the family and enjoy hot hiit Pilates and talking nice long walks on the beach watching the sun rise with my hubby & dog.
Do you have any kids?
Yes, we have 3 grown up kids, one is married the other two doing their thing:)